A while ago God spoke to me to disciple 2 women. He asked me to pour into them what He had been teaching me about Him these past several months.
The first day we met I had nothing prepared! I’d been asking God what He wanted me to do this first day.
“Nothing….. “
Then the night before the meeting when I was beginning to panic, I asked Him again, what am I to prepare for tomorrow? He said, “Ask them what they think I see when I look at them.”
I had them write down their answers and they shared their answers. God took over the group. We had a fantastic time discussing what God sees when He looks at us and why.
From the beginning God just wouldn’t let me let go of the question. I would ponder it and wonder why I have this obsession. Although I didn’t know why, I asked more people to answer God’s question.
He told me to send out an email to all my Christian friends asking them to answer the question anonymously.
I started receiving answers and I thought. “This would make an interesting article.” The more I read the answers, the more God showed me that my preconceived notion of why He was having me ask this question was wrong!
Many answers I could tell were given after the person gave much thought to the question. I was amazed at what the people were saying!
God spoke to me again. This time He said, “This is not going to be an article it is going to be a book!”
HUH?? A book, written by me????
YUP, A book, written by you!
OK, how am I to put all this together into a book? SILENCE……..
Uh, Lord, I want to get writing.
What do you want me to do and how???
Um. . . . WHEN??
More silence.
I felt He wanted me to post this question on some Christian groups I discovered on Facebook.
I found and started writing and blogging on thoughts.com and asked the question there also.
Okay, Lord, I’m waiting for more direction……… please????
Then one day, when I had about given up, God gave me the next step.
Do I have to?? I’m the kind that likes to write from my heart, just let it flow. God told me to study scripture and quote it to back up what my heart was saying. I’m not one that enjoys research.
Yes, I’m really enjoying it now!
So the question for 2 ladies, and I thought would be an article for a blog is now becoming a book. . . . .written by me.
God you are so awesome!
I’ve found a publisher and hope I’m correct in targeting having the manuscript ready in March. That’s what came into my head one day.
We’ll see, you know how God is . . . . one just never knows the full picture until you have finished the project. But what an exciting journey it is!
Oh, you're probably wondering about the title of this.
The Spark is the idea from God
The Fire is the result of the Spark. In this case a BOOK!!
Update: I now have 100 or so answers to the question. If you are a Christian and would like to send your answers to this question please send them to ljc747@yahoo.com. All answers will be published anonymously so please be honest and open about your answer. I anticiapte cut off date of January 31, 2010 for submission of answers to question for book. That's not as far off as it seems!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
It Only Takes A SPARK to Get A FIRE Going!
God, Jesus, Life, book, Question, Answers, author,
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